
Author:          Peter Stierlen (

History:          2009/12/02 (v1.00 beta): first public version


Download:     Scan_Capturing_public.jar

Installation:    Download Scan_Capturing_public.jar  to the plugins folder and restart Imagej. You must also have TWUSB downloaded and saved in the same folder.

Description:   This plugin allows you to capture 3D-scan images. The plugin is designed to work with USB-webcam like Quickcam 9000 but also need JMF installed. You also need a Velleman USB board for the control of the laser and camera rotation unit (stepper motors). The USB-board is also used to switch the laser on and off. Further on the analog input of the board can be used to read the voltage of a phototransistor which is used for auto referencing the laser zero-position at the beginning of a measuring session.


Camera:                      Logitech® Quickcam Pro 9000

Controller:                  Velleman USB INTERFACE CARD VM110

Stepper control:          Nantotec SMC11


To control the USB board via Java you need twusb from Thomas Wenzlaff



Limitations:   The captured images will have 640x480 VGA resolution. The following Scan_Calculator plugin need the full image stack for the spacetime analysis calculation. To handle the image data volume it is necessary to capture with VGA resolution. Please keep in mind ... there are memory limitations in ImageJ and the calculation time of the 3D data will increase with the number of voxels ( X-resolution x Y-resolution x stack-size). Although you can manually minimize the number of calculated voxels by definition of a rectangular ROI in through the image stack in the Scan_Calculator plugin resolution will increase the number of voxels inside the ROI.


Because of my limited spare time and different other projects I can’t give any support for detailed hardware information. Please start such a project only if you have experience or an experienced friend knowing how to connect the components with the necessary further resistors, diodes and photo transistors.


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