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As a friend built up his own self made milling machine I developed the idea of a own 3d-laserscanner for the redesign of different useful and useless things. Meanwhile the second hardware setup is finished working successfully. It is now built up in a modular design allowing modifications in a simple way. Most of the electric components are commercially availlable. The software package is completely intergrated as single java plugins into the ImageJ imaging software. I developed plugins for the complete scanning process chain like calibration, image grabbing and 3d calculation.


PC-contolled rotation of laser and camera
high precission mounting of laser and camera
modular design based on a aluminium profile
USB stepper control
USB laser control


Java-based software-plugins
image-capturing with preview for the setup calibration
selective threshold plugin for the simple and accurate processing of calibration images
plugin for the calculation of the camera chip size
saving of images as TiFF-Stack including setup values as Meta-data
analysis plugin with automatic reading of Meta-data
plugin for scanline skeletonisation based on spacetime analysis
XYZ-output in different formats


Funktion: Capturing of calibration images and saving as stack. With the following plugin the images can be prepared for the determination of the chip size or for the determination of the intrinsic camera parameters.

ROI Threshold
Funktion: Cutting ROIs, thresholding of ROI-region and copying of black Pixels of ROI into target image

Chip Geometry
Funktion: Calculation of camera chip size.

Optic Calib
Funktion: Determination of the intrinsic camera parameters with the calibration tool from Zhang.

Undistort Image
Funktion: Undistortion of images with the camera specific intrinsic parameters calculated with the Zhang calibration method.

Funktion: Calculation of the 3D-data from the scan lines in the 2D-Images. Different Skeletonizations are available (Gauss, Fourier, Spacetime, ...). Also the Undistort function is included.

Funktion: Like Scan_Calculator but for a different scanner design. Laser and Camera are fixed to each other and will be moved linear to the object.

Linear_Base_Calibration NEW 12/2012
Funktion: Optical measurement of the distance between the laser and the camera focal point with a special calibration specimen of known dimension.

Funktion: Capturing Plugin controlling of the Laserscanner and capturing of scanning images. The defined parameters are saved in the image metadata and can be read in by the Scan_Calculator plugin. Because of my limited sparetime I can not give any detailed informations about the hardware setup and wiring of the electric components.

If there are more than 50 interessted I will discusse with some friends about the production and the distribution of a limited edition of the aluminium and plastic parts, stepper, bearings and base profile. If so I will also edit a detailed description of the wiring (which must still be DIY).

Installation Infos

JMF Java Media Framework
Funktion: JMF is Java add-on which extend Java with different media in/output functionalities e.g. webcam and video handling.